Group Programme
Overview of Groups
BTS offers a range of groups for parents and children aimed at developing strategies to manage disruptive behaviours. Groups are offered throughout the year.
Groups are offered in collaboration with community based agencies and therefore are available through local community venues. For information on parent group availability contact BTS.
Participants said:
"Through this group I understand what is going on for my son and how he thinks. He is doing much better."
"I found out that my child’s behaviour is not all my fault and not theirs."
"Kids and parents can learn new skills."
"She never talked to me but now she will tell me what she thinks about school and friends."

Managing Challenges Collaboratively
Groups supporting new ways of thinking about and managing challenging behaviours
An 8 week parent group focussing specifically on the collaborative support and management of challenging behaviours. This group has an emphasis on challenging and disruptive behaviours developing from social and learning difficulties in combination with environmental influences.
Managing Challenges Collaboratively parent group considers alternative parenting approached that fit better with children with challenging behaviours. This group is not the basic parenting group. Parents who attend this group will have children with diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and /or Conduct Disorder (CD) and, will not have experienced success with the more general behaviour management strategies that support time out and rewards as the main strategies.
Group content includes topics on child development, pathways to challenging behaviours, challenging behaviour developing as a consequence of learning deficits, developing a better "fit" between parent and child, collaborative problem solving strategies and alternative communication styles providing an opportunity for skill development and social support.
Handouts are provided for all group sessions and homework can be expected throughout the group duration.....and beyond.
Cost for attending this group varies subject to the community agency support and facility availability.