Clinical Services
Overview of Clinical Services and Interventions
Brief Therapy Solutions is available for individual and family consultation in the Southern Highlands, South - West Sydney and Wollongong (Illawarra), New South Wales on a fee for service basis.
YES - You can refer yourself or be referred by an agency or worker!! It may also be possible to be referred under a Mental Health Treatment Plan through a GP.
Please note there is no charge for information or a referral to a more appropriate service.
Brief Therapy Solutions will be happy to receive referrals for:
Serious and
dangerous child behaviour
(ADD/H, ODD, CD, Aspergers) - Relationship issues
- Parenting and family conflicts
- School issues
- Attachment based issues
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Child protection and welfare

Crisis Assessment and Referral Clinic for Families
"I need urgent support"
The Crisis Assessment and Referral Clinic - for Families (CARC-F) is a collaborative project developed between Brief Therapy Solutions (BTS) and Macarthur District Temporary Family Care Inc (MDTFC). The CARC-F is available to families living in the Macarthur region of South West Sydney (Campbelltown, Camden, Picton and surrounds) and may be experiencing challenging and disruptive behaviours, mental health concerns and family based trauma. This CARC-F provides crisis intervention, assessment and referral information to families currently experiencing high levels of stress due to behavioural and family issues.
The CARC -F operates weekly and operates on a booking system and on a first come first served basis. Registration of an appointment time is essential in order to guarantee an appointment time. The CARC-F is a free service and clients may be offered up to six sessions. Sessions will usually be around an hour in duration. The CARC-F appointments will be held in Harrington Park.
To making an appointment you must have a caseworker or other professional such as a school counsellor, general practitioner or mental health worker to make a referral by contacting Macarthur District Temporary Family Care Inc on 9603 7011.
You will be offered a limited choice of times and dates for your appointment. Appointment times will ally be offered on Mondays, subject to availability.
If you are not able to attend an appointment let us know as soon as possible so that we may make the time available to someone else and reschedule.
At the Clinic you will see a qualified Counsellor, Social Worker or Psychologist. As part of the agreement between MDTFC Inc. and Brief Therapy Solutions the clinic will be overseen by Dr. Steven Walker. Steve is an Accredited Social Worker and Director of Brief Therapy Solutions.
You can expect to have an appointment of around an hour during which time you can discuss your concerns and seek some direction as to where to. You may be offered another appointment and this will be made at the time of your first appointment. You may also be asked to complete some additional forms during or between your appointments in order to assist in the assessment process.
Individual and Single Session
"I want to work through some significant issues over time."
The frequency of the contacts with the therapist is negotiable. Contact frequency can range from a single session to short term contact ranging from 1 to 6 sessions. This is the classic see the counsellor to figure out something that is bothering you. Usually six weeks at an hour and a half per week.

The Intensive In - Home Intervention.
"I want a lot of assistance with out of control problems and behaviours at home, school, both."
Some questions to consider:
Have we tried everything to manage the behaviour?
Are the behaviours ruling my decisions and family’s activities?
Have we become more isolated over time?
Is my family in crisis and do we feel unsafe due to the behaviour and associated difficulties?
Does it seem like this behaviour has always happened?
The IN-HOME INTERVENTION is BTS' specialty. In the home Challenging Serious Behaviours Collaboratively with family members.
The In Home Intervention is designed for in home family work where there is currently high levels of stress originating from the impact of disruptive and challenging behaviours in the home environment. The Intensive Family Intervention consists of 52 hours of contact time. We also offer a 25 hour version of the In Home Intervention.
Brief Therapy Solutions has a particular focus on working with individuals and families in crisis in their own homes. As context is a key to change, working in the home allows the opportunity to notice and work with possibilities in cooperation with all members of the family. Working together within the situation enables us to find new solutions.
If you have experienced therapy / counselling previously and it wasn’t what you thought it might be, that it wasn’t the time, or the approach didn’t fit for you, it may be time now to try something different.